What are you currently working on?
This series of questions will help define where you are standing now as a team and how well you collaborate during the production workflow (product definition, mockup design, development).
Do developer spend a lot of time integrating tricky designs/animations? Are they sometimes unabled to do it?
Are you sure that developers know how to get informations on design behaviours (responsive, component states—hover, error...) ?
Are developers invited to participate to the product definition?
Do you often have unanticipated use cases or edge cases from the business point of view generating development rework?
Are mockups approved and ready on time for development?
Do developers have mockups that they can inspect (size, spacing, colors, fonts)? Do they have all assets (images, fonts, icons)?
Are designers available during development to answer any questions?
Do developer spend a lot of time fixing little design issues (inconsistencies, contrasts...) or keyboard navigation issues?
Are developers missing design behaviour (responsive, component states—hover, error...)?
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